US can’t wait for release of ‘Endhiran’

The Endhiran fever seems to be catching up with the American fans of Rajnikanth and Aishwarya Rai in the run-up to the film’s release on the opening day of October.

Buzz is that, the first week advance booking of the movie’s tickets sold out within a span of just ten minutes at a New York theatre called Jackson Heights. Gauzing by this unprecedented rush to grab tickets, the movie is all set to be a blockbuster.

Touted as the most expensive film to be produced by Indian film industry, Endhiran has a generous sprinkling of special effects created by the best minds with state-of-the-art technology.

Set to release in Hindi as Robot, Endhiran is expected to have a huge opening weekend down south where Rajnikanth is almost deified by his loyal fans.

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