Big B and Aishwarya win NDTV Awards

At the recent NDTV Indian of the Year awards night, Big B and his bahu Aishwarya Rai bagged the most coveted titles namely Indian of the Year and Icon of the Year award.

Big B who attended the event with wife Jaya and bahu Aishwarya Rai and recieved the Indian of the Year award, wrote on his blog, “NDTV Indian of the Year acknowledging 21 years of the existence of the channel and simultaneously acknowledging Indians that have been an inspiration for the country in these 21 years!!”

Aishwarya Rai who received the NDTV Indian Icon of the Year award and look very lovely in a orange saree.

Congratulations Big B and Aishwarya Rai.

Psst: Aishwarya’s lips are back to their normal self again.

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